Kestrel Repair Request


Is your Kestrel not functioning correctly? You can return it to us at any time for evaluation. Please enter a Repair Request here for EACH Kestrel unit you plan to return and add it to the cart, then check out.

Your order number will be your Return Authorization number - see below for shipping details. No payment is required. If there is a charge for your repair, we will contact you before proceeding further.

For fastest service, please do your best to tell us exactly what problem you are having. Select a problem area from the list, then provide additional detail in the open box. The more detail you provide, the faster we can resolve your problem. Thank you!

Please Note: Due to the global chip shortage, repair times may be much longer than normal.

Availability: In stock
Please fill out the selections below to help us ensure that you're getting the most accurate product

Maximum 20 characters

Maximum 20 characters

Maximum 30 characters

Maximum 500 characters


Kestrel Repair Request Overview

Upon receiving your Kestrel, we will troubleshoot the problem or concern. If the concern relates to the accuracy of a measurement, it may be possible for the sensor to be corrected and validated, and some issues are repairable. If your unit is still under our Limited Warranty, it will be repaired or replaced for free and returned to you. If there is any charge for a repair, or if your Kestrel has an unrepairable problem and is no longer under warranty, we will contact you to authorize payment before proceeding further. If your Kestrel is unrepairable, you will have the option of trading it in for a new or upgraded model under our Kestrel Trade-In, Trade-Up Program.

Please note: Be sure to save the data on your meter using the Kestrel Weather App (iOS or Android) or Kestrel Ballistics App (iOS or Android) as all data on your Kestrel unit might be erased during the repair process.

Shipping Your Unit:  After ordering your repair service here or via phone, please note your order number so you can add it to the outside of the box as your RA#. Please pack your Kestrel securely and ship to:

21 Creek Circle
Boothwyn, PA 19061
Attn: RA#XXXXXX (where XXXXXX is your order number)

(NOTE:  For both warranty and non-warranty repairs, we'll take care of return ground shipping at no charge to the contiguous United States, but you are responsible for the cost of shipping to NK. Expedited and overseas shipping is available at an additional charge.)

International Returns Note: When returning your unit for repair from outside the United States, please be sure that the shipping company has the following information on each line item of the customs invoice:

  • Harmonized code: 9801.00.1012
  • Description of goods: Return for Warranty Repair of US Manufactured goods

*Including all of this information will help you avoid incorrectly paying duties and taxes

You will also receive an email confirming these instructions. It is most important that we have your Order Number so we can promptly match your unit with your service request. You can also print your order confirmation and add it to the box. Turnaround on Kestrel Repair Requests is generally 7 to 10 days. 

Limited Warranty on Repairs and Tune-Ups All repairs and tune-ups are warrantied for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of service (1) that service was performed in a competent and workmanlike manner and (2) that all parts used to service your product were free from defects in materials and workmanship. The foregoing warranty is an express limited warranty, and in the event of a breach, NK will either (i) re-perform the service, (ii) repair or replace the part, or (iii) refund the cost of the service provided. Products will continue to be covered by their original limited warranty after repair or tune-up, or by this limited repair warranty, whichever is longer.

Questions or clarifications about our repair services? Email Tech Support or call (610) 447-1555.

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